Being an ecologically responsible traveller

In recent years, the option for travellers has become very popular. Tourism has matured a lot and would like backpackers to respect the environment as much as possible during their adventures. The exact definition of responsible tourists is not known to all except that travellers must not cause any damage during their stay. Even the village hosts and most of the inhabitants have all turned to this new creno.

 How to be responsible

There are many ways to be responsible travellers. The first of these is respect for the environment. It is important to be aware that you are also contributing to the pollution in your host country. You can pick up your garbage and garbage and take it with you. Contribute to the recycling of waste that other countries adopt. Minimize the waste (bags, deo, paper) you take with you on your trip.

Respect for culture

The least you can do during your trip is to adapt to the culture of the host country. You can learn a few words from the local language: thank you, goodbye, hello. Respect your hosts, wait to be invited to their community before interfering in their celebrations, or traditional ceremonies such as (famadihana...). Some traditions believe that it is necessary to ask the permission of the village chiefs to attend and perform traditional ceremonies. Respecting these traditions proves that you are a responsible tourist.

The interest of being responsible

The growth of tourist travel is becoming one of the main motivations for being a responsible traveller. Visits should be less evasive and more beneficial to the local population. Tourist operators click here have a lot of expectations, apart from the responsibility of the travellers, there is also the responsibility of the guests. Tourism must be ecological, sustainable and responsible. These three processes have significantly transformed global tourism over the past two decades. They have given travel a new image and a new way of travelling. To conclude, everyone is concerned in this new way of travelling.
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